Overriding SDK dialogs

This section describes how to override SDK dialogs


When using the Purchasely SDK in full mode, various informational messages and errors are displayed to the user through standard system dialogs (UIAlertController on iOS and AlertDialog on Android).

These include messages such as:

  • Purchase completed
  • Restoration completed

and error messages like:

  • Network error
  • Product not found
  • Purchase impossible (or canceled)
  • Restoration incomplete.

All these alerts are managed by the PLYAlertMessage enum.

If you prefer a more customized approach to display these messages that better aligns with your app's design and user experience, you can override the default behavior.

This is achieved by providing an implementation of PLYUIHandler. This will allow you to display these messages and have the flexibility to customize their appearance and behavior. Additionally, you can implement specific actions to be triggered when the user interacts with these dialogs.


PLYUIHandler Interface

@objc public protocol PLYUIHandler {
    @objc optional func display(alert: PLYAlertMessage, with error: Error?, proceed: @escaping () -> ())
interface PLYUIHandler {
     * @param alert the alert to display
     * @param purchaselyView the Purchasely view currently displayed
     * @param activity the activity containing the Purchasely view (may not be found)
     * @param proceed a function to call if SDK should display the alert itself
    fun onAlert(alert: PLYAlertMessage, purchaselyView: View, activity: Activity? = null, proceed: () -> Unit) {

PLYUIHandler implementation

You can either display your own custom dialog or call the proceed function to let the SDK display the default dialog. You also have the option to handle specific alert types with your custom dialog and use the default SDK dialog for others

// Your custom UI handler
class CustomUIHandler: NSObject, PLYUIHandler {
        func display(alert: PLYAlertMessage, with error: Error?, proceed: @escaping () -> ()) {
        switch alert {
        	case is PLYAlertMessage.inAppSuccess: /* Display your own alert dialog */
        	case is PLYAlertMessage.inAppSuccessUnauthentified:/* Display your own alert dialog */

Purchasely.uiHandler = object : PLYUIHandler {
  override fun onAlert(alert: PLYAlertMessage, purchaselyView: View, activity: Activity?, proceed: () -> Unit) {
    when(alert) {
      is PLYAlertMessage.InAppSuccess -> { /* Display your own alert dialog */ }
      is PLYAlertMessage.InAppSuccessUnauthentified -> { /* Display your own alert dialog */ }
      else -> proceed()

What’s Next

Learn how to customize your Screens by nesting multiple views