Associating a content with a purchase
This section describes how to associate a content with a purchase
When you purchase an item / subscription, in most cases, you will know what it is meant for without needing additional details. This is the case if you purchase 200 coins, unlock level 3 of your game or subscribe to a service.
In some cases the identifier of the Plan purchased is not enough to precisely identify the purchase. This is especially the case when it comes to consumables. As subscriptions and consumables cannot be purchased multiple times their usages are usually unambiguous.
There are many use cases in which you need to identify the content purchased:
Pay-per-view app / book store
You will have several consumables that define the different possible prices of each movie on your platform. Several movies will have the same pricing and the plan identifier is not enough to know which movie was purchased as it only describes a price.
You will need to identify the program additionally.
Fantasy league
If you develop a fantasy league app with multiple leagues and you can unlock boosters, you will have to know which league the booster must be applied to.
Multiple user account app
If your app or game has several profiles / accounts you will want to associate the account to the purchase.
… in fact each time the plan identifier is not enough to identify what was purchased and unlock the feature, you will need to pass an additional identifier.
Introducing Content ID
is a feature that let's you attach your own identifier to a purchase. That identifier will be tied to the purchase during the entire process and will be sent to you through the webhook.
On your pay-per-view app you can attribute the movie identifier to directly unlock it without having to make any additional call to your backend to associate the purchase once it is confirmed.
As always the implementation is easy as you just need to pass the (optional) parameter when you want to purchase.
It can be with our own paywalls
let paywallCtrl = Purchasely.presentationController(with: "my_presentation_id",
contentId: "my_content_id",
completion: { (result, plan) in
present(paywallCtrl, animated: true)
UIViewController *paywallCtrl = [Purchasely presentationControllerWith:@"my_presentation_id"
completion:^(enum PLYProductViewControllerResult result, PLYPlan * _Nullable plan) {
[self presentViewController:paywallCtrl animated:YES completion:nil];
await Purchasely.presentPresentationWithIdentifier('my_presentation_id', 'my_content_id');
await Purchasely.presentPresentationWithIdentifier('my_presentation_id', 'my_content_id');
(callback) => {
(error) => {
or manually
Purchasely.purchase(plan: plan, contentId: "my_content_id", success: {
// Unlock / reload content and display a success / thank you message to user
} failure: { (error) in
// Display error
Purchasely.purchase(this@MainActivity, plan, offer, "content_id", object: PurchaseListener {
override fun onPurchaseStateChanged(state: State) {
try {
const plan = await Purchasely.purchaseWithPlanVendorId(
console.log('Purchased ' + plan);
} catch (e) {
try {
Map<dynamic, dynamic> plan =
await Purchasely.purchaseWithPlanVendorId('PURCHASELY_PLUS_MONTHLY');
print('Purchased $plan');
} catch (e) {
Purchasely.purchaseWithPlanVendorId("PLAN_VENDOR_ID", "my_content_id", (plan) => {
console.log('Purchased ' + plan);
}, (error) => {
_purchasely.Purchase(planId, LogPlan, Log, offerId, contentId);
Once the Purchasely Platform have checked that the customer purchase is genuine and wasn't already used, it will send you the following event on the Webhook that includes content_id :
"event_name": "ACTIVATE",
"api_version": 3,
"content_id": "my_movie_id",
"environment": "SANDBOX",
"event_created_at": "2021-11-22T09:23:38.559Z",
"event_created_at_ms": 1637573018559,
"is_family_shared": false,
"offer_type": "NONE",
"original_purchased_at": "2021-11-22T09:23:36.000Z",
"original_purchased_at_ms": 1637573016000,
"plan": "<plan vendorID defined in the Purchasely console>",
"product": "<product vendorID define in the Purchasely console>",
"purchased_at": "2021-11-22T09:23:36.000Z",
"purchased_at_ms": 1637573016000,
"purchasely_one_time_purchase_id": "otp_XXXXXXXFFFFFFFFF",
"store": "APPLE_APP_STORE",
"store_app_bundle_id": "<app bundle id defined in the store console>",
"store_country": "US",
"store_original_transaction_id": "100000099999999",
"store_product_id": "<store product id defined in the store console>",
"store_transaction_id": "100000099999999",
"user_id": "<user id you provided through the sdk>"
Security concerns
While you receive the contentID
, you shouldn't blindly unlock the content and attribute the purchase.
Some (smart) users could rewrite the request that leaves the phone and set a contentID
for an expensive item after purchasing a cheaper one.
You should check that the contentID
and the plan vendor_id
match what you have in your database. If not raise an exception in your backend and contact the user.
Updated 9 months ago