List of UI/SDK events

This section provides details on all the UI/SDK events

SDK events

EventDescriptionValue iOS / Android
APP_INSTALLEDFirst installation of the SDK.appInstalled / AppInstalled
APP_CONFIGUREDThe SDK is ready to make purchases.appConfigured / AppConfigured
APP_STARTEDThe app was launched.appStarted / AppStarted
APP_UPDATEDThe application version changed since last launch.appUpdated
/ AppUpdated
STORE_PRODUCT_FETCH_FAILEDThe Purchasely SDK couldn't fetch the product from the store.productFetchError / ProductFetchError

UI & User Behavioral Events

EventDescriptionValue iOS / Android
PRESENTATION_LOADEDThe Screen was loaded and is ready to be displayed.presentationLoaded / PresentationLoaded
PRESENTATION_VIEWEDThe Screen was opened.presentationViewed / PresentationViewed
PRESENTATION_CLOSEDThe Screen was closed.presentationClosed / PresentationClosed
PRESENTATION_SELECTEDThe user selected a different tab / tile in the Screen.presentationSelected
/ PresentationSelected
PRESENTATION_OPENEDThe user opened a different tab / tile in the Screen.presentationOpened / PresentationOpened
PLAN_SELECTEDThe user selected a Plan on the Screen.planSelected / PlanSelected
PURCHASE_TAPPEDThe user tapped on a purchase button.purchaseTapped / PurchaseTapped
PURCHASE_CANCELLEDThe user cancelled the purchase action.purchaseCancelled / PurchaseCancelled
LOGIN_TAPPEDThe user tapped on the login button.loginTapped / LoginTapped
RESTORE_TAPPEDThe user tapped on the restore button.restoreTapped / RestoreTapped
PROMO_CODE_TAPPEDThe user tapped on the promo code button.promoCodeTapped / PromoCodeTapped
DEEPLINK_OPENEDThe user opened a deeplink.deeplinkOpened / DeepLinkOpened
LINK_OPENEDThe user tapped a link (Terms and conditions, …).linkOpened / LinkOpened
CAROUSEL_SLIDE_SWIPEDThe user swiped to a different carousel tile.carouselSlideSwiped /
OPTIONS_SELECTEDThe users picks up an option in a survey
(>= SDK v5.0)
OPTIONS_VALIDATEDThe user answers a survey
(>= SDK v5.0)
.optionsValidated / OptionsValidated

In-App Purchase Flow Events

EventDescriptionValue iOS / Android
IN_APP_PURCHASINGThe purchase started.inAppPurchasing / InAppPurchasing
IN_APP_PURCHASEDThe purchase succeeded.inAppPurchased / InAppPurchased
IN_APP_PURCHASE_FAILEDThe purchase failed.inAppPurchaseFailed / InAppPurchaseFailed
IN_APP_DEFERREDThe user started a deferred payment (i.e. Ask to buy, PSD2 approval).inAppDeferred
/ InAppDeferred
IN_APP_NOT_AVAILABLEThe in-app purchase is not available to purchase.NA / InAppNotAvailable
PURCHASE_CANCELLED_BY_APPThe app cancelled the purchase process.purchaseCancelledByApp / PurchaseCancelledByApp

Receipts Events

EventDescriptionValue iOS / Android
RECEIPT_CREATEDThe purchase was registered at Purchasely.receiptCreated / ReceiptCreated
RECEIPT_FAILEDThe purchase was rejected.receiptFailed / ReceiptFailed
RECEIPT_VALIDATEDThe purchase was validated.receiptValidated / ReceiptValidated

Restore Events

EventDescriptionValue iOS / Android
RESTORE_STARTEDThe restoration started.restoreStarted / RestoreStarted
RESTORE_FAILEDThe restoration failed.restoreFailed / RestoreFailed
IN_APP_RESTOREDThe user restored its purchases after attempting to purchase a product he already owned.inAppRestored / InAppRestored
RESTORE_SUCCEEDEDThe restoration succeeded.restoreSucceeded / RestoreSucceeded

Login Events

EventDescriptionValue iOS / Android
USER_LOGGED_INThe user logged in.userLoggedIn / UserLoggedIn
USER_LOGGED_OUTA user logged out.userLoggedOut / UserLoggedOut

Miscellaneous Events

EventDescriptionValue iOS / Android
CANCELLATION_REASON_PUBLISHEDThe user replied to the cancellation survey.cancellationReasonPublished / CancellationReasonPublished
SUBSCRIPTION_DETAILS_VIEWEDDetail page of a subscription viewed.subscriptionDetailsViewed / SubscriptionDetailsViewed
SUBSCRIPTION_PLAN_TAPPEDTapped to change plan.subscriptionPlanTapped / SubscriptionPlanTapped
SUBSCRIPTIONS_LIST_VIEWEDSubscriptions list viewed.subscriptionsListViewed / SubscriptionListViewed
PURCHASE_FROM_STORE_TAPPEDThe user opened the app from a Promoted In-App Purchase.purchaseFromStoreTapped / NA

What’s Next

View which attributes are associated to these UI / SDK Events