Managing Custom User Attributes

This section describes how to leverage custom user attributes to create audiences and segment users

Starting with the following versions of SDKs, you can set Custom User attributes to build your Audiences:

  • iOS: 3.4.0
  • Android: 3.4.0
  • ReactNative: 2.4.0
  • Cordova: 2.4.0
  • Flutter: 1.4.0

Custom User Attributes are additional user properties that can be injected by the app into the Purchasely Platform through an API of the SDK. These custom user properties can be collected by the app during the onboarding or when users interact with the app.
Eg: gender, sign-up date, age, intent, current location, contents read, favorite team

Configuring Custom User Attributes in the Console

Creating a new Customer User Attribute

To create a new Custom User Attribute, you first need to declare it in the Purchasely Console

  1. Navigate to the section User Attributes of your Purchasely Console

  2. Click on the button + New user attribute in the upper right corner

  3. Fill in the following form:

    • Name: display name in the Purchasely Console

    • Key: name of the key that shall be used in the app code (see below)

    • Data type: choose among the following data types:

      Note: the types of operator varies for each type

  4. Click on the Save button in the bottom right corner.

Modifying an existing Custom User Attribute

To modify an existing Custom User Attribute:

  1. click on the button on the right of the attribute

  2. then on Edit

Deleting a Custom User Attribute

To delete an existing Custom User Attribute:

  1. click on the button on the right of the attribute

  2. then on Delete

Manipulating Customer User Attributes in the App code

Setting Custom User Attributes

All values type must be the exact same than the ones you have set in Purchasely console, for exemple if you have setup an Age property with the key age and the type Int then in your code your have to set it with an integer value like Purchasely.setUserAttribute("age", 21)

//Set one attribute by key and value
Purchasely.setUserAttribute(withIntValue: 20, forKey: "age")
Purchasely.setUserAttribute(withDoubleValue: 175.5, forKey: "size")
Purchasely.setUserAttribute(withBoolValue: true, forKey: "subscribed")
Purchasely.setUserAttribute(withDateValue: Date(), forKey: "date")
Purchasely.setUserAttribute(withStringValue: "Female", forKey: "gender")

//Set multiple attributes
     "age": 20,
     "size": 175.5,
     "subscribed": true,
     "date": Date(),
     "gender": "Female"
//Set one attribute by key and value
Purchasely.setUserAttribute("age", 20)

//Set multiple attributes
    Pair("age", 21),
    Pair("gender", "man"),
    Pair("hair", "brown"),
//Set one attribute by key and value
Purchasely.setUserAttributeWithString("gender", "man");
Purchasely.setUserAttributeWithNumber("age", 21);
Purchasely.setUserAttributeWithNumber("weight", 78.2);
Purchasely.setUserAttributeWithBoolean("premium", true);
Purchasely.setUserAttributeWithDate("subscription_date", new Date());
//Set one attribute by key and value
Purchasely.setUserAttributeWithString("stringKey", "StringValue");
Purchasely.setUserAttributeWithInt("intKey", 3);
Purchasely.setUserAttributeWithDouble("doubleKey", 1.2);
Purchasely.setUserAttributeWithBoolean("booleanKey", true);
private PurchaselyRuntime.Purchasely _purchasely;

//Set one attribute by key and value
_purchasely.SetUserAttribute("StringAttribute", "String message");
_purchasely.SetUserAttribute("IntAttribute", -100);
_purchasely.SetUserAttribute("FloatAttribute", 147.5f);
_purchasely.SetUserAttribute("BoolAttribute", true);
_purchasely.SetUserAttribute("DateAttribute", DateTime.Now);
//Set one attribute by key and value	
Purchasely.setUserAttributeWithString("key_string", "value_string");
Purchasely.setUserAttributeWithBoolean("key_boolean", true);
Purchasely.setUserAttributeWithInt("key_int", 7);
Purchasely.setUserAttributeWithDouble("key_double", 4.5);

Retrieving Custom User Attributes

You can retrieve user attributes by fetching a specific attribute using its designated key, or gather all attributes at once

//return an int since it was set with that type
if let age =  Purchasely.getUserAttribute(for: "age") as? Int {
    // Do Something

//return a dictionary of all attributes
Purchasely.userAttributes.forEach { attribute in
    print("Attribute \(attribute.key) = \(attribute.value)")
//return an int since it was set with that type
val age = Purchasely.userAttribute("age") 

//return a map of all attributes
val all = Purchasely.userAttributes()
all.forEach { attribute ->
    Log.d("Purchasely", "Attribute ${attribute.key} = ${attribute.value}")
//get all attributes
const attributes = await Purchasely.userAttributes();
console.log(attributes); //returns a PurchaselyUserAttribute object with key and value

//retrive a date attribute
const dateAttribute = await Purchasely.userAttribute("subscription_date"); //returns the value
//for a date you need to parse the iso 8601 string to retrieve the date object
console.log(new Date(dateAttribute).getFullYear());
Purchasely.setUserAttributeWithInt("age", 21);

dynamic dateAttribute = await Purchasely.userAttribute("age");

Map<dynamic, dynamic> attributes = await Purchasely.userAttributes();
attributes.forEach((key, value) {
  print("Attribute $key is $value");

Purchasely.userAttribute("key_string", value => {
  console.log("User attribute string " + value);
private PurchaselyRuntime.Purchasely _purchasely;


Incrementing / decrementing counters

It is possible to count the number of times a particular action is performed by the User by using an Integer (Int) as a Custom User Attribute. To automatically increase / decrease the counters, the method incrementUserAttribute() and decrementUserAttribute() can be used.

These methods are only available for the version of the SDK >= 4.3.

// Increment a user attribute
// increment by 1 a specific attribute, it will be created if not set
Purchasely.incrementUserAttribute(withKey: "viewed_articles")
// you can also set a specfic number to increment
Purchasely.incrementUserAttribute(withKey: "viewed_articles", value:3)

// Decrement a user attribute
// decrement by 1, it will be created if not set
Purchasely.decrementUserAttribute(withKey: "viewed_articles")
// you can also set a specific number to decrement
Purchasely.decrementUserAttribute(withKey: "viewed_articles", value:7)
// Increment a user attribute
// increment by 1 a specific attribute, it will be created if not set
// you can also set a specfic number to increment
Purchasely.incrementUserAttribute("viewed_articles", 3)

// Decrement a user attribute
// decrement by 1, it will be created if not set
// you can also set a specific number to decrement
Purchasely.decrementUserAttribute("viewed_articles", 7)
// Increment a user attribute
// increment by 1 a specific attribute, it will be created if not set
Purchasely.incrementUserAttribute({key: 'viewed_articles'});
// you can also set a specfic number to increment
Purchasely.incrementUserAttribute({key: 'viewed_articles', value: 3});

// Decrement a user attribute
// decrement by 1, it will be created if not set
Purchasely.decrementUserAttribute({key: 'viewed_articles'});
// you can also set a specific number to decrement
Purchasely.decrementUserAttribute({key: 'viewed_articles', value: 7});
// Increment a user attribute
// increment by 1 a specific attribute, it will be created if not set
// you can also set a specfic number to increment
Purchasely.incrementUserAttribute("viewed_articles", value:3);

// Decrement a user attribute
// decrement by 1, it will be created if not set
// you can also set a specific number to decrement
Purchasely.decrementUserAttribute("viewed_articles", value:7);
// Not available at the moment, you can do
Purchasely.userAttribute("viewed_articles", value => {
  Purchasely.setUserAttributeWithInt("viewed_articles", value + 1);
// Not available at the moment, you can do
private PurchaselyRuntime.Purchasely _purchasely;

var viewedArticles = _purchasely.GetUserAttribute("viewed_articles");
_purchasely.SetUserAttribute("viewed_articles", viewedArticles + 1);

Clearing Custom User Attributes

You can clear either a specific attribute, identified by its key, or all attributes at once.

//Remove one attribute
Purchasely.clearUserAttribute(forKey: "size")

//Remove all attributes
//Remove one attribute

//Remove all attributes
//Remove one attribute

//Remove all attributes
//Remove one attribute

//Remove all attributes
//Remove one attribute

//Remove all attributes
//Remove one attribute
//Remove all attributes
//Remove one attribute
//Remove all attributes


Clear after log out

You should call Purchasely.clearUserAttributes() when a user is logged out, after calling Purchasely.userLogout(), so that he does not keep attributes you have set previously with his profile.

Be aware though, this method remove all attributes so you must set device attributes again