Entitlement Events are generated by the Purchasely Platform when premium accesses are created/modified/removed (because of a purchase, renewal, refund, payment issue, ...).
There are 2 different Entitlements Events:
Transaction Event
Used to
Triggered when
Activate the user’s entitlements
a new subscription starts
a subscription is renewed
an In-App Purchase (consumable / non consumable) is purchased
a subscription or a non consumable is "stolen" from another user, following a restore or sign-in/sign-up
a subscription starts because of a plan change (following an up-selling, down-selling or cross-selling)
a subscription enters in grace period
a subscription is resumed after being paused (Google Play Store only)
a subscription is resumed after a billing retry or a grace period
a refund has been asked by the user via Apple Care but the developer refuses it from the App Store Connect Console (tricky one we know 😅...)
Deactivate the user’s entitlements
a subscription is effectively terminated
a subscription enters in billing retry
a subscription or an In-App Purchase has been refunded
a subscription or a non consumable has been transferred to another user, following a restore or sign-in/sign-up
a subscription ends because of a plan change (following an up-selling, down-selling or cross-selling)
a subscription is being paused (Google Play Store only)
They are both composed of a JSON payload which includes all the relevant data to manage entitlements (more details on their attributes).
For more information on how to manage entitlements with your backend, refer to Backend entitlements.
Updated 9 months ago
What’s Next
Want to know how to leverage these events to manage entitlements with your own backend?