This section provides details on how to configure developer determined offer in the Google Play Store and leverage them to offer promotions to your users
Promotional offers for Google are Developer Determined Offer which can be set on your base plans for a subscription. It requires the usage of Google Play Billing v5 which is included in Purchasely SDK 4.0.0
Eligible to all users
Developer determined offer are available for all your users all the time. As the name suggest, it is up to you to decide when to make this offer available.
Unfortunately Purchasely SDK cannot know the offer type, so by default this offer will be presented to all your users by our SDK.
To avoid this, you can add the tagignore-offer (see below for more details)
Your offer must contain the following information:
Offer id: you can chose anything, it will be the one you will fill in Purchasely console
Eligibility criteria: Developer determined
Tags: ignore-offer (see notice below) The tag should be exactly as mentioned.
Phases: you can add up to 2 phases, one free trial and one price discount
Tag ignore-offer for Promotional Offers
When creating Promotional offer (Developer determined offers that are meant to retain or win-back subscribers), don't forget to add the tag ignore-offer to indicate to the SDK that this offer cannot be proposed to new users.
For developers determined offers, add the ignore-offer tag to avoid having the offer proposed to everyone
If you don't put this tag, the offer will be proposed on standard paywalls to everyone as there will be no way for the Purchasely SDK to know make the distinction with Introductory Offers (meant for acquisitions).
Purchasely Console
When your promotional offer has been created on AppStore Connect and/or Google Play Console, the final step is to declare it in Purchasely Console to use it with your paywall
First, click on the three dots of your plan and Manage promotional offers
The plan MUST be the App Store or Play Store product that you used to declare your offer
Set a name, an identifier for Purchasely and the identifiers you have set in AppStore Connect and Google Play Console. Finally click Save to apply your changes
Then you can create a paywall for your offer, we have created a new action button for that: Winback/retention offer
You need to select your plan and offer to be applied as the action for this button
You can use the field "Offer" of the different labels to set offers tags like OFFER_PRICE and OFFER_DURATION (same principle than trial offer)
You are responsible for displaying this paywall to users you want to target, so you should create a specific placement for them. You can also target them using Audience
We will send specific events to your webhook or external integration: PROMOTIONAL_OFFER_STARTED
The information about the promotional offer will also be in the payload of events like the one above and ACTIVATE