Implementing promotional offers into your app

This section provides details on how to handle promotional offers into your app



The feature described in this section is supported starting from version 4.0.0 of Purchasely SDK.

If you use a prior version of the SDK your users won’t see a discount and will purchase at the regular price.

Promotional offers can be used to offer a specific discount to current or past subscribers. It is a great way to retain or win-back a customer. You will be able to set up as many as you want by creating specific paywalls with those offers.

full mode - Trigger the purchase of an offer

In full mode Purchasely handles automatically the promotional offer purchase directly from a Purchasely Paywall and you have nothing to do.

If you are using your own paywall or need the SDK to process the promotional offer transaction from your own purchase buttons, you can do it really easily by providing the PLYPlan and PLYOffer you want to use for the purchase

// First get the plan you want to purchase
Purchasely.plan(with: "planId") { plan in
// Success completion
} failure: { error in 
// Failure completion

// Retrieve offer id
let promoOffer = plan.promoOffers.first(where: { $0.vendorId == promoOfferVendorId })

// Then purchase
Purchasely.purchaseWithPromotionalOffer(plan: plan,
                                        contentId: nil,
                                        storeOfferId: promoOffer.storeOfferId) {                    
// Success completion       
} failure: { error in
// Failure completion                    


// We also offer the possibility to sign your promotional offers 
// if you want to purchase with your own system
Purchasely.signPromotionalOffer(storeProductId: "storeProductId",
                                storeOfferId: "storeOfferId") { signature in            
// Success completion
} failure: { error in
// Failure completion
val plan = Purchasely.plan("plan_id on purchasely console")
val offer = plan?.promoOffers?.firstOrNull { it.vendorId == "offer_id on purchasely console" }

Purchasely.purchase(activity, plan, offer, onSuccess = { plan ->
  Log.d("Purchasely", "Purchase success with ${plan?.name}")
}, onError = {
  Log.e("Purchasely", "Purchase error", it)
// Purchase with the plan vendor id and promotional offer vendor id 
// set in Purchasely Console
try {
  const plan = await Purchasely.purchaseWithPlanVendorId(
    null, // optional content id
  console.log('Purchased plan: ' + plan);
} catch (e) {
// Purchase with the plan vendor id and promotional offer vendor id 
// set in Purchasely Console
try {
    Map<dynamic, dynamic> plan = await Purchasely.purchaseWithPlanVendorId(
    print('Purchased plan is $plan');
} catch (e) {

paywallObserver mode - Retrieve the offer to purchase

When you are using Purchasely in paywallObserver mode, you can:

  1. retrieve the Plan and associated offer purchased by the user by using the paywall action interceptor
  2. sign it (iOS only)
  3. and do the purchase with your own transaction processor

Here is a code sample to sign the offer on iOS:


iOS applicationUserName or appAccountToken

On iOS, you must use Purchasely anonymous user in lowercase as applicationUsername with StoreKit1 or appAccountToken with StoreKit2 if you use Purchasely.signPromotionalOffer() method
Please look at sample code below for more details

Purchasely.setPaywallActionsInterceptor { [weak self] (action, parameters, presentationInfos, proceed) in
	switch action {
		// Intercept the tap on purchase to display the terms and condition
		case .purchase:		
			// Grab the plan to purchase
			guard let plan = parameters?.plan, let appleProductId = plan.appleProductId else {
			let offer = parameters?.promoOffer
			// sign the offer
        		Purchasely.signPromotionalOffer(storeProductId: appleProductId,
        						storeOfferId: offer?.storeOfferId) { signature in
            		// Success completion
       		 	} failure: { error in
            		// Failure completion
			// Purchase with signature
			// Using StoreKit1
			// Using StoreKit2
			// Finally close the process with Purchasely

func purchaseUsingStoreKit1(_ plan: PLYPlan) {

  // First step: Get SKProduct using your own service

  // Example
  let request = SKProductsRequest(productIdentifiers: Set<String>([plan.appleProductId ?? ""]))
  request.delegate = <Your delegate> // Get Product in the `productsRequest(_ request: SKProductsRequest, didReceive response: SKProductsResponse)` method

  // Second Request payment
  guard SKPaymentQueue.canMakePayments() else {
    return nil

  let payment = SKMutablePayment(product: product)

  payment.applicationUsername = Purchasely.anonymousUserId.lowercased() // lowercase anonymous user id is mandatory

  if let signature = promotionalOfferSignature, #available(iOS 12.2, macOS 10.14.4, tvOS 12.2, *) {
    let paymentDiscount = SKPaymentDiscount(identifier: signature.identifier,
                                            keyIdentifier: signature.keyIdentifier,
                                            nonce: signature.nonce,
                                            signature: signature.signature,
                                            timestamp: NSNumber(value: signature.timestamp))
    payment.paymentDiscount = paymentDiscount


func purchaseUsingStoreKit2(_ plan: PLYPlan) {
    if #available(iOS 15.0, *) {
      Purchasely.signPromotionalOffer(storeProductId: plan.appleProductId,
                                      storeOfferId: plan.promoOffers.first?.storeOfferId,
                                      success: { promoOfferSignature in

               Task {

                 do {
                   let products = try await Product.products(for: ["storeProductId"])
                   var options: Set<Product.PurchaseOption> = [.simulatesAskToBuyInSandbox(<Bool: true for testing>)]

                   let userId = Purchasely.anonymousUserId.lowercased()

                   if let decodedSignature = Data(base64Encoded: promoOfferSignature.signature) {
                    let offerOption:Product.PurchaseOption = .promotionalOffer(offerID: promoOfferSignature.identifier,
                                                                               keyID: promoOfferSignature.keyIdentifier,
                                                                               nonce: promoOfferSignature.nonce,
                                                                               signature: decodedSignature,
                                                                               timestamp: Int(promoOfferSignature.timestamp))

                    if let product = products.first {
                       let purchaseResult = try await product.purchase(options: options)
           }, failure: { error in
      } else {
        // Fallback on earlier versions
Purchasely.setPaywallActionsInterceptor { info, action, parameters, processAction ->
    when(action) {
        PLYPresentationAction.PURCHASE -> {
            val sku = parameters.subscriptionOffer?.subscriptionId
            val basePlanId = parameters.subscriptionOffer?.basePlanId
            val offerId = parameters.subscriptionOffer?.offerId
            val offerToken = parameters.subscriptionOffer?.offerToken

            // TODO purchase with SKU and offer id
            // Finally close the process with Purchasely
        else -> processAction(true)
Purchasely.setPaywallActionInterceptorCallback((result) => {
    switch (result.action) {
      case PLYPaywallAction.PURCHASE:
        // Retrieve the store product id and offer id
        const storeProductId = result.parameters.plan?.productId;
        const storeOfferId = result.parameters.offer?.storeOfferId;

        // -- GOOGLE ONLY --
        // Alternatively, just for Google with v5 and v6 you can retrieve everything if it simpler for you,
        // specially if you want the offer token
        const productId = result.parameters.subscriptionOffer?.subscriptionId;
        const basePlanId = result.parameters.subscriptionOffer?.basePlanId;
        const offerId = result.parameters.subscriptionOffer?.offerId;
        const offerToken = result.parameters.subscriptionOffer?.offerToken;
        // -- END GOOGLE --

        // -- APPLE ONLY --
        if(storeOfferId != null) {
          try {
            async() => {
              const signature = await Purchasely.signPromotionalOffer(storeProductId, storeOfferId);
              const anonymousUserId = await Purchasely.getAnonymousUserId();
              const appTokenUserId = anonymousUserId.toLowerCase();

              // You need the signature and appTokenUserId to validate the offer
          } catch (e) {
            console.log("Error while signing promotional offer");
        // -- END APPLE --

        // Now that you have the ids you need, you can launch your purchase flow

        // Hide Purchasely paywall if you want

        // TODO launch purchase flow

        // When purchase is done, call this method to stop loader on Purchasely paywall

        // if successful, close the paywall

        // if not successful, display the paywall again
          (PaywallActionInterceptorResult result) {
  if (result.action == PLYPaywallAction.purchase) {
    // Retrieve the store product id and offer id
      String? storeProductId = result.parameters.plan?.productId;
      String? storeOfferId = result.parameters.offer?.storeOfferId;

      // -- GOOGLE ONLY --
      // Alternatively, just for Google with v5 and v6 you can retrieve everything if it simpler for you,
      // specially if you want the offer token
      String? productId = result.parameters.subscriptionOffer?.subscriptionId;
      String? basePlanId = result.parameters.subscriptionOffer?.basePlanId;
      String? offerId = result.parameters.subscriptionOffer?.offerId;
      String? offerToken = result.parameters.subscriptionOffer?.offerToken;
      // -- END GOOGLE --

      // -- APPLE ONLY --
      if(storeProductId != null && storeOfferId != null) {
        try {
          Map signature = await Purchasely.signPromotionalOffer(storeProductId, storeOfferId);
          String? anonymousUserId = await Purchasely.anonymousUserId;
          String? appTokenUserId = anonymousUserId.toLowerCase();

            // You need the signature and appTokenUserId to validate the offer
            // Signature contains those fields
              signature['identifier'] as String
              signature['signature'] as String
              signature['keyIdentifier'] as String
              signature['timestamp'] as int
        } catch (e) {
          print("Error while signing promotional offer");
      // -- END APPLE --

      // Now that you have the ids you need, you can launch your purchase flow

      // Hide Purchasely paywall if you want

      // TODO launch purchase flow

      // When purchase is done, call this method to stop loader on Purchasely paywall

      // if successful, close the paywall

      // if not successful, display the paywall again
  } else {