Apple In-App Purchases

This section describe how to test Apple In-App Purchases with Purchasely


1. Sandbox Environment

  • The sandbox environment simulates the App Store for testing In-App Purchases without actual financial transactions.
  • It allows you to test various purchase flows, subscriptions, and restore functionalities.
  • You must create a Sandbox Apple ID for testing purposes, which is different from your regular Apple ID.


Important information

  • No real charges: Purchases made in the sandbox environment do not incur real charges and do not transfer to the production environment.
  • Slow: There can be significant delays on Apple's side in the sandbox environment when purchasing or restoring products.
  • Offers: You can reset your eligibility to introductory offers, but this action has an unknown delay. We advise relaunching your application to see it applied.

Learn more about sandbox testing

2. Use real devices for purchase

  • Purchasely does not support testing In-App Purchases on simulators.
  • You need to test on physical devices with sandbox accounts configured or with TestFlight.

3. Paid Apps contracts

  • Ensure you have accepted the latest Paid Apps contract in App Store Connect.
  • This is a prerequisite for setting up and testing In-App Purchases.

4. Xcode Build or TestFlight

Both ways allows you to test not reviewed In-App Purchases. We advise to test during development with a Sandbox account (Xcode build) and to test one last time before release with TestFlight.

Xcode Build:

  • Use Xcode to build and run your app on a physical device.
  • Ensure you have configured your In-App Purchases correctly in App Store Connect and enabled the necessary capabilities in your Xcode project.


  • TestFlight allows you to distribute beta builds of your app to testers.
  • In-App purchases are free during TestFlight testing and do not carry over to the App Store version.
  • TestFlight is significantly faster for testing than using a sandbox account, but you cannot cancel or delete your subscription before it finishes naturally.

Learn more about TestFlight

5. Avoid having Xcode In-App Purchases test file

  • Ensure your project does not include any outdated or incorrect In-App purchase configuration files.
  • This can cause conflicts and errors during testing.

6. App Bundle ID consistency

  • Verify that the app bundle ID in your Xcode project matches the one in App Store Connect.
  • A wrong bundle ID will prevent the SDK from retrieving one-time and subscription products as they are bound to your bundle ID.

Inviting TestFlight Testers

How to Invite Testers

  1. Log in to App Store Connect:

  2. Select Your App:

    • Click on the app you want to invite testers for.
  3. Access the TestFlight Tab:

    • Click on the "TestFlight" tab in the top menu.
  4. Choose Testing Type:

    • Click on "Internal Testing" or "External Testing" depending on your needs.
  5. Add Testers:

    • Click the "+" button to add a new tester.
    • Enter the tester's email address and assign their role (Tester or Developer).
  6. Send Invitations:

    • Once all testers are added, click "Save". TestFlight will send email invitations to each tester with instructions to download the TestFlight app and access your build.

Using Public Links

You can also invite testers via a public link:

  • Enable the public link on your app’s TestFlight page.
  • Share this link through social media, emails, or any other medium.
  • You can limit the number of testers who can join via this link.

Capabilities of TestFlight Testing

General Capabilities:

  • TestFlight allows you to test beta builds of your app, including In-App purchases (IAPs) and subscriptions.
  • Testers can install and test multiple builds simultaneously, providing feedback directly through TestFlight.

In-App Purchases:

  • In-App purchases are simulated, meaning testers will not be charged for any transactions made during testing.
  • You can test various purchase flows, including initial purchases, upgrades, downgrades, and renewals.


  • You can test auto-renewable subscriptions and manage introductory offers and promotional offers.
  • Testers can experience the full subscription lifecycle, including renewal and expiration.


  • Subscriptions started in TestFlight cannot be canceled or deleted before they naturally expire.
  • TestFlight testing might have some limitations in terms of network delays and transaction processing times.
  • Some subscription features, like Family Sharing, might not fully replicate the production environment.

Step-by-Step Testing Process

1. Create a Sandbox Apple ID

  • Go to App Store Connect > Users and Access > Sandbox.
  • Create a new Sandbox Apple ID if you don't already have one.
  • In your device, go to Settings -> App Store and in the section "Sandbox account", log in with your Sandbox account. You should not add a phone number if you want to share this account on multiple devices.

Create Sandbox Apple IDs

2. Configure In-App Purchases

  • Set up your In-App Purchases in App Store Connect under My Apps > Your App > Monetization > In-App Purchases.
  • Set up your subscriptions in App Store Connect under My Apps > Your App > Monetization > Subscriptions.

Configure In-App Purchases

3. Set Up Your Project

  • In Xcode, enable In-App purchase capability in your project settings.
  • Ensure your app’s bundle ID matches the one used in App Store Connect.

4. Build and Run on a Device

  • Build your app using Xcode and run it on a physical device.
  • Log in with your Sandbox Apple ID on the device.

5. Test In-App Purchases

Troubleshooting Tips

  • Ensure all pre-requisites. are met, such as having an active Apple Developer account and accepted Paid Apps contract.
  • Verify that your app’s bundle ID matches the one used in App Store Connect.
  • Ensure that your Apple App Store configuration is complete.
  • Double-check your network connection and the Apple account you are using for testing.
  • Refer to the Apple Developer documentation for detailed troubleshooting steps and further guidance.

By following this guide, you should be able to thoroughly test your In-App purchases with Purchasely, ensuring a smooth experience for your users upon release. For more detailed information, refer to Apple's official documentation.

What’s Next

Take a deeper dive into our In-App purchases guide for Apple

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