Dashboard - One Time Purchases
This page provides details on the One Time Purchases dashboard
The One time purchases dashboard presents the evolution of different indicators.
Number of One time purchases

- Daily/weekly/monthly purchased items by store : this chart shows the evolution over time of the number of one time purchases per Apple , Google store, Stripe and etc.
- Consumables and Non consumable products are included in this chart.
- Daily/weekly/monthly purchased item by plan: this chart shows the evolution over time of the new one time purchases which started during the visualization period and those who were terminated over the same period.
- Different color represents purchases of different plans per day/week/month.
- Daily/weekly/monthly refund rates: the proportion of one time purchases initially taken that were refunded. The date displayed is the date the one time purchase is started not the day of the refund requested or refunded.
This dashboard shows evolution of the revenue per platform / country and plan

The amount displayed on top of the charts represents the overall revenues generated for the entire visualization range.
Updated 5 months ago