
Get a real time overview of your subscriber base and how it is changing today

This page provides a real time daily pulse of your subscription business.

You will first find tables of your real time subscriber base and then charts of subscriptions composition.

You can get the live figures on:

  • Active subscription statuses

  • Active subscribers

  • Inactive subscription causes

  • Today activity

  • Active subscriptions compositions

Active subscription statuses

  • Active renewing: Your currently active subscribers that will renew

  • Active not renewing: Your currently active subscribers that won't renew at the end of their current period

  • Active grace period: Your currently active subscribers that had a billing issue and that are enjoying a grace period

  • Trial renewing: Your subscribers with a free trial that will renew at the end of their period

  • Trial not renewing: Your subscribers with a free trial that won't renew at the end of the period

  • Trial grace period: Your subscribers with a free trial that should renew to paid but are experiencing a billing issue

  • Intro period renewing: Your subscribers with an intro price that will renew at the end of their period

  • Intro period not renewing: Your subscribers with an intro price that won't renew at the end of the period

  • Intro period grace period: Your subscribers with an intro price that should renew to paid but are exepriencing a billing issue

Active subscribers

This page gives the repartition repartition between connected and anonymous subscribers.

Forcing your users to register before being able to purchase will probably lower down your conversion as you are adding multiple steps ahead of the payment. Anonymous purchases helps you on this but as you will work on conversion and retention, knwoing your customer and being able to reach him on a cold channel like email is important.

You will probably offer your anonymous customers to register after the purchase but this might not be enough and you will want to monitor this and this dashboard was built for that purpose.

Inactive subscriptions causes

A subscriber churns for many reasons. Understand the reasons why your subscribers churned with this dashboard:

  • Terminated: The subscription naturally ended after the user canceled the renewal

  • Refunded: The user asked the store to be refunded

  • Unpaid: The subscriptions stoped because of a billing issue

  • Paused: The subscriber chose to pause the subscription that might start at any time

  • Billing retry: There was a billing issue on the subscription that entered a grace period that wasn't successful

Additionaly, we display the total fraud attempts that was blocked by Purchasely.


Want to know what happened today? The today dashboard gives you a quick overview of your activity:

  • Number of renewals

  • Number of subscriptions that entered grace period

  • Number of lost subscribers

Active subscriptions composition

This dashboard provides different views of your active subscribers base in the realtime:

  • by store (Apple App Store, Google Play Store, Amazon Appstore, Huawei App Gallery)

  • by state (Active, Intro period renewing, Trial renewing, Canceled intro, Canceled trial, Churning)

  • by product

  • by plan (monthly, yearly, …)

Last updated

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