Server Events

This section provides an overlook of Server Events

What are Server Events?

Server Events are generated when something changes in the subscription lifecycle.
E.g.: when a subscription starts, is renewed, the auto-renewing is cancelled, a trial is converted, ...

They may be triggered when:

  • a one-time purchase or a subscription is purchased
  • a subscription has reached its renewal date
  • an S2S is received from the App stores (eg: App Store Server Notification or Play Store Server notifications)

They are used to:

They can natively be routed to:

They can also be visualized and analyzed in the Events Dashboard of the Purchasely Console

What are they used for?

1. Entitlement Events

This subset is composed of 2 events:

  • ACTIVATE : when an entitlement must be granted (for example after the purchase/renewal of a subscription, or the purchase of a one-time purchase)
  • DEACTIVATE: when an existing entitlement must be revoked (for example after the termination/refund of a subscription or one-time purchase)

They are used to manage entitlements with your developer's backend

More details on Entitlement Events

2. Lifecycle Events

This subset is composed of 27 different events which map every use case in a typical subscription lifecycle.

  • when a subscription starts, is renewed, terminated, upgraded, downgraded, transferred or enters in grace period or in billing retry
  • when a free trial, intro offer, promo-code or promotional offer starts, is converted or not converted
  • when the auto-renewing of a subscription is disabled or enabled again

They can be used to:

  • track the different phases of the subscribers lifecycle
  • create automations and campaigns for each stage of the subscribers' journey
  • identify growth opportunities by analyzing them in the Events Dashboard of the Purchasely Console

More details on Lifecycle Events

3. Offer Events

This subset is composed of 12 different events focusing on the incentives associated with your subscriptions (when a free trial, intro offer, promo-code or promotional offer starts, is converted or not converted).

They can be used to:

  • track the different phases of the subscribers incentives lifecycle
  • create automations and campaigns to ensure these subscriptions convert

More details on Offer Events

4. Transactional Event

This subset is composed of 1 single event:

  • TRANSACTION_PROCESSED: generated for subscriptions only, every time an amount of money is involved in a transaction (not for free trials therefore) and provides everything related to revenue information for this transaction (customer's currency, cumulated revenue, integrations' currency)

It can be used to:

  • track all the subscribers' transactions in various platforms (either your own backend or 3rd-party platforms you are using)
  • build your own internal revenue dashboard

More details on Transactional Event

What data is associated with Server Events

Server Events consist of JSON payloads. They all share a common structure and have a comprehensive set of attributes

More details on Server Events Attributes

What’s Next

Want to know more about each category of events or their attributes?