Regular labels vs Offer labels

This section provides details on how Regular Labels / Trial labels are managed by the SDK

Defining Labels for Buttons and Pickers

The Purchasely Screen Builder allows you to define distinct labels for buttons and pickers depending on the presence of an Introductory Offer and the eligibility of the User to it.

For the 3 fields PROMO / TITLE / SUBTITLE, 2 different labels can be associated.

For the 3 fields PROMO / TITLE / SUBTITLE, 2 different labels, Regular and Offer can be associated.

When you associate the button with the action Purchase, the SDK will be in charge of determining:

  1. whether or not an Introductory Offer has been configured for the Plan
  2. and whether or not the User is eligible to this Introductory Offer

Depending on this, it will AUTOMATICALLY switch the Paywall between the 2 display modes:

  1. Regular Labels
  2. Offer Labels

You don't have anything to do on your end, it's automatic.

Regular Labels

Regular Labels are displayed by the SDK when:

  • No Introductory Offer has been defined in the App store


  • When the User is not eligible to the Introductory Offer because they already benefited from it
Regular Labels (R) are displayed in the Preview (2) when the Switch SHOW TRIAL (1) is switched OFF or when the focus is on a field Regular Label

Regular Labels (R) are displayed in the Preview (2) when the Switch SHOW TRIAL (1) is switched OFF or when the focus is on a field Regular Label (R)

In these fields, the Introductory Offers tags and Promotional offer tags are not available to avoid confusion, as they are only displayed when the user cannot benefit from these offers.

Offer Labels

Offer Labels (also called Trial Labels or Introductory Offer Label) are displayed by the SDK when:

  • An Introductory Offer has been defined in the App store


  • When the User is eligible to the Introductory Offer (they never benefited from it)
Trial Labels ($) are displayed in the Preview (2) when the Switch SHOW TRIAL (1) is switched ON or when the focus is on a field Trial Label

Offer Labels ($) are displayed in the Preview (2) when the Switch SHOW TRIAL (1) is switched ON or when the focus is on a field Offer Label ($)

In the Offer Labels, you can add specific Introductory Offers tags:

TRIAL_PRICEDisplays the intro price or discounted price(that you have configured in Apple or Google store) of the plan.For a discounted trial:
Don't miss the intro offer of {{TRIAL_PRICE}} for the first week.

The output will be:
Don't miss the intro offer of $0.99/week for the first week.
TRIAL_AMOUNTDisplays the intro price or discounted price(that you have configured in Apple or Google store) of the plan.For a discounted trial:
Don't miss the intro offer of {{TRIAL_AMOUNT}} for the first month.

The output will be:
Don't miss the intro offer of $5.99 for the first month.
TRIAL_PERIODDisplays the trial period or free trial (that you have configured in Apple or Google store) configured for the plan.For a free trial:
Don't miss the free trial for a {{TRIAL_PERIOD}}.

The output will be:
Don't miss the free trial for a week.
TRIAL_DURATIONDisplays the trial period or free trial (that you have configured in Apple or Google store) configured for the plan.For a discounted trial:
Hurry up intro offer for {{TRIAL_AMOUNT}}/ {{TRIAL_DURATION}}.

The output will be:
Hurry up intro offer for $0.99 / 1 week.
TRIAL_DAYS_DURATIONDisplays the trial duration in the days count.For a free trial:
Don't miss the free trial for {{TRIAL_DAYS_DURATION}}

The output will be:
Don't miss the free trial for 7 days
TRIAL_DISCOUNT_PERCENTAGEDisplays the discount percentage between the trial (free or paid) and the regular price of the plan for the period of the subscription.For a free trial or intro price:
Don't miss this starting price with a discount of {{TRIAL_DISCOUNT_PERCENTAGE}}

The output will be:
Don't miss this starting price with a discount of 67%
TRIAL_PRICE_COMPARISONDisplays the price difference between the trial (free or paid) and the regular price of the plan for the period of the subscription.For a free trial or intro price:
Don't miss this starting price with a discount of {{TRIAL_PRICE_COMPARISON}}

The output will be:
Don't miss this starting price with a discount of $24

More details on Introductory Offers tags here

The good practice is to display a specific Offer label with the form "TRIAL_AMOUNT during TRIAL_DURATION then PRICE".


Don't forget to inform the User about the Regular Price!

The App Store review guidelines are very clear on the fact that you must not be misleading users and that you should inform users on the Regular price of the subscription after the Introductory Offer or Promotional Offer has terminated.

E.g.: you cannot be content with only writing "START FOR FREE" without informing informing users how much they are going to pay once the free trial has ended

As a result, you must also include the Regular price tags and the Purchasely Paywall Builder will not allow you to publish the Paywall if the tags PRICE or AMOUNT + DURATION are not associated to the button.

Special case for Promotional Offers (retention / win-back offers)

When you associate a Button with the Action Winback / retention Offer, you can propose a Promotional Offer.

Offer Labels ($) are displayed in the Preview (2) when the Switch SHOW TRIAL (1) is switched ON or when the focus is on a field Offer Label ($)

Offer Labels ($) are displayed in the Preview (2) when the Switch SHOW TRIAL (1) is switched ON or when the focus is on a field Offer Label ($)

In this particular case, the SDK will ALWAYS display the Offer Labels, if a Promotional Offer has been configured in the App store.

The reason is that it is not possible to compute the eligibility for such Promotional Offer before the user tries to purchase it (they indeed need to be signed by the App Store).

When proceeding with the purchase after clicking on the purchase button, if the User is not eligible to the Promotional Offer associated:

  1. a modal will be displayed to inform the User that they are not eligible to the Offer
  2. and then the Paywall will switch to displaying the Regular Labels.

When the button or picker has been mapped with a Win-back / retention action, you can use Offers tags in the Offer Labels:

OFFER_PRICEDisplays the winback offer price.For a winback offer :
Don't miss the intro offer of {{OFFER_PRICE}} for the first week.

The output will be:
Don't miss the intro offer of $0.99/week for the first week.
OFFER_AMOUNTDisplays the winback offer amount.For a winback offer :
Don't miss the intro offer of {{OFFER_AMOUNT}} for the first month.

The output will be:
Don't miss the intro offer of $5.99 for the first month.
OFFER_PERIODDisplays the winback offer period.For an extension of a free trial:
Don't miss the free trial for a {{OFFER_PERIOD}}.

The output will be:
Don't miss the free trial for a week.
OFFER_DURATIONDisplays the winback offer duration.For a winback:
Hurry up intro offer for {{OFFER_AMOUNT}}/ {{OFFER_DURATION}}.

The output will be:
Hurry up intro offer for $0.99 / 1week.
OFFER_PRICE_COMPARISONDisplays the price difference between the discounted offer and the regular price of the plan for the higher duration.With:

- offer price: $99.99/year
- monthly: $9.99/month
{{OFFER_PRICE_COMPARISON}} will display $19.89
OFFER_DISCOUNT_PERCENTAGEDisplays the discount percentage between the discounted offer and the regular price of the plan.With:

- offer price: $99.99/year
- monthly: $9.99/month
{{OFFER_DISCOUNT_PERCENTAGE}} will display 17%


Introductory Offer eligibility can only be computed in buttons and pickers

You can use Introductory Offer tags outside of buttons and pickers (e.g.: in a carrousel, feature list, title or subtitle of a Screen), by referencing the associated Plan explicitly.

When you add a tag in a text field which does not belong to a button or a picker, you are asked to choose the associated Plan

When you add a tag in a text field which does not belong to a button or a picker, you are asked to choose the associated Plan

In that case, NO ELIGIBILITY will be computed by the SDK and the tags will be directly displayed.

In other words, if you make a reference to an Introductory Offer (e.g.: TRIAL_PRICE or TRIAL_AMOUNT) or Promotional Offer (e.g.: OFFER_PRICE or OFFER_DURATION) outside of a button, the tag will be displayed even when the user is NOT eligible to the Offer.

If you need to have 2 different Paywall title or subtitle depending on the User Eligibility, you will need to duplicate the paywall and use the segment your user base to display each variant to the relevant users.


Let us say you want to display the subtitle "First 2 weeks free, then $57.99 per year" but only to users who did not benefit from the free trial, here is how you could do that:

  1. Create an Audience Eligible to free trial, leveraging the attribute Has expired subscription = false
  2. Create a Paywall #1 with the subtitle "First TRIAL_DURATION(ANNUAL) free, then PRICE(ANNUAL)"
  3. Duplicate this Paywall as Paywall #2 with the subtitle "Reactivate your subscription for PRICE(ANNUAL)"
  4. Map the Paywall #1 with the Audience Eligible to free trial on the desired placement.
  5. Map the Paywall #2 with the Audience Everyone else.

Users who do not have an expired subscription and therefore never benefitted from the Free trial will fall in the Audience Eligible to free trial and see Paywall #1. Users who do not match this audience will fall in the Audience Everyone else and see Paywall #2

What’s Next

Let's now have an overview of the different Action Types available for the buttons and Call To Action