Display video on Android

This section provides a guide for displaying Screens with video in your Android application.


This section provides a comprehensive guide for displaying Screens with video in your Android application using the Purchasely SDK. It covers the necessary steps to integrate a video player, either by using the Purchasely player dependency or implementing your own video player.

Important Notice

Purchasely Android SDK does not include by default a video player starting with version 3.1.0 to avoid dependency conflicts in your project.

If you have added a video to your Screen, you need to include our player dependency or implement PLYPlayerInterface.



Our implementation utilizes version 1.1.1 of Jetpack Media3. If your project uses a different version of Exoplayer/Media3 that is not compatible with this version, you will need to provide a custom class to the Purchasely SDK.

Purchasely video player

The easiest way to add video support is by including the Purchasely player dependency. The SDK will automatically detect and use it to play videos in the Screen.

Android native

implementation 'io.purchasely:player:<<current_version>>'

React Native

npm install @purchasely/react-native-purchasely-android-player --save


flutter pub add purchasely_android_player


Add the native android dependency in the build.gradle file of your android project:

implementation 'io.purchasely:player:<<current_version>>'


Already included in the SDK.

Custom video player


Native only

A custom video player can only be provided natively. If you use one of our bridge sdk you can only provide a native custom video player.

You can use your own video player for Purchasely Screens.
This player needs to be a View and must implement PLYPlayerInterface.

interface PLYPlayerInterface {  
  fun setup(url: String, contentMode: String, isMuted: Boolean)  
  fun play()  
  fun pause()  
  fun release()  

You can declare it to the SDK either by specifying the path to your class:
(Notice: your class must have a constructor with android.content.Context as unique parameter)

Purchasely.playerView = "com.myapp.ui.player.MyPlayerView"

Or by providing an instance of your class:
(Notice: you should set it to null when the player is no longer needed to avoid memory leaks)

Purchasely.playerView = MyPlayerView(context)

A sample of implementation of PLYPlayerInterface:

class Media3PlayerView(context: Context) : PlayerView(context), PLYPlayerInterface {

    private var exoPlayer = ExoPlayer

    override fun setup(url: String, contentMode: String, isMuted: Boolean, repeat: Boolean) {
        val mediaItem = MediaItem.fromUri(Uri.parse(url))
        exoPlayer.playWhenReady = false

        resizeMode = when (contentMode) {
            "fill" -> AspectRatioFrameLayout.RESIZE_MODE_ZOOM
            "fit" -> AspectRatioFrameLayout.RESIZE_MODE_FIT
            else -> AspectRatioFrameLayout.RESIZE_MODE_ZOOM

        player = exoPlayer
        controllerAutoShow = false

        if (isMuted) {
            exoPlayer.volume = 0f
        } else {
            exoPlayer.volume = 1f

        exoPlayer.repeatMode = Player.REPEAT_MODE_ALL

    override fun play() {

    override fun pause() {

    override fun release() {
class PurchaselyPlayerView(context: Context) : PlayerView(context), PLYPlayerInterface {
  private var exoPlayer: SimpleExoPlayer = SimpleExoPlayer.Builder(context).build()

  override fun setup(url: String, contentMode: String, isMuted: Boolean) {
      val mediaItem = MediaItem.fromUri(Uri.parse(url))
      exoPlayer.playWhenReady = false

      resizeMode = when (contentMode) {
          "fill" -> AspectRatioFrameLayout.RESIZE_MODE_ZOOM
          "fit" -> AspectRatioFrameLayout.RESIZE_MODE_FIT
          else -> AspectRatioFrameLayout.RESIZE_MODE_ZOOM

      player = exoPlayer
      controllerAutoShow = false

      if (isMuted) {
          exoPlayer.volume = 0f
      } else {
          exoPlayer.volume = 1f

      exoPlayer.repeatMode = Player.REPEAT_MODE_ALL

  override fun play() {

  override fun pause() {

  override fun release() {

What’s Next

Learn how to make Lottie animations work with your Screens