Template gallery

This page contains list of all templates available in Purchasely Screen Builder

Screen templates are pre-designed frameworks used to create various screens in an application without writing any code. These templates can vary in the elements they contain. The design and implementation of these templates aim to balance user experience with monetization goals, often incorporating features like subscription prompts, onboarding journeys, billing reminders, and more.

  1. Carousel

  2. Carousel & plan picker & steps & reviews

  3. Carousel & plan picker horizontal

  4. Carousel & Scrollable plan picker

  5. Carousel flow

  6. Carousel flow & plan picker horizontal

  7. Carousel overlay

  8. Carousel plan tiles

  9. Countdown

  10. Countdown absolute & feature list

  11. Features & tabs plan picker

  12. Features list

  13. Features list & countdown

  14. Features list & plan picker horizontal

  15. Features list & plan picker overlay

  16. Features list & plan picker with 2 columns

  17. Features list & plan picker with 3 columns

  18. Features list & Reviews

  19. Features list & Steps

  20. Features list & Switch

  21. Features list & overlay

  22. Features list reviews & plan picker horizontal

  23. Features list reviews & steps[block:image]{"images":[{"image":["https://files.readme.io/9cc7ad6-features-list-ratings-steps_2024-06-10T10_27_02.514Z.png",null,""],"align":"center","border":true}]}[/block]

  24. Landscape Carousel

  25. Landscape Carousel & plan picker horizontal

  26. Landscape features list & plan picker horizontal

  27. Landscape steps

  28. Long Paywall

  29. Long paywall countdown & features list

  30. Long paywall features & plan picker & reviews

  31. Long paywall features list & steps

  32. Long paywall table

  33. Long paywall with carousel

  34. Long paywall with carousel & table

  35. Long paywall paywall with FAQ

  36. Long paywall with features list

  37. Long paywall with reviews

  38. Long paywall plan picker three

  39. Onboarding Carousel

  40. Plan picker horizontal

  41. Plan picker horizontal V2

  42. Plan picker switch

  43. Plan picker with 2 columns

  44. Plan picker with 3 columns

  45. Plan picker with 3 columns V2

  46. Promo code

  47. Ratings retention

  48. Reviews

  49. Reviews & plan picker horizontal

  50. Reviews plan picker two

  51. Steps

  52. Steps & plan picker horizontal

  53. Steps with tabs

  54. Switch

  1. Table & Plan picker with 3 columns
  1. Table & Reviews
  1. Table V2
  1. Table with four columns
  1. Tabs
  1. Tabs & plan picker with 3 columns
  1. Tabs & plan picker with 3 columns (tiny)
  1. Tabs & plan picker with 4 columns
  1. Tabs & plan picker with 4 columns (tiny)
  1. Unsubscribe

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