Configuring Audiences

This section describes how to create audiences and use them for tailoring the screen displayed or running A/B tests

An audience is a group that combines different user attributes using boolean operators. It is used to segment your users.

Creating an audience

  1. Navigate to the section Audiences of your Purchasely Console

  2. Click on the button + New audience in the upper right corner

  3. Fill in the following form by setting the following values:

    • Name: only displayed in the Purchasely Console
    • ID: internal unique identifier for the Audience. When an event (UI/SDK event or Server event) will be generated for a user belonging to a particular audience, the property audience_id will be automatically attached to that event (see below).
      ⚠️ The audience ID cannot be changed once the audience has been associated with an A/B test or a transaction
    • Tags: as for other assets, you can associate different categories (CONVERSION, RETENTION etc...) with the audiences to be able to find them more easily in your Purchasely Console.
  4. Combine together the desired {user attributes, values} with boolean operators to create the conditions for a user to match the audience

    • You can use and combine together both built-in user attributes and custom user attributes

    • The boolean operators AND or OR can be used.
      => Choose the main boolean operator you want to use for the audience by clicking the AND or OR buttons on the left side of the screen

    • Subgroups can be created by clicking on the button + AND/OR to allow different values for a same attribute or nest different conditions together
      => Choose which boolean operator to apply to the subgroup you want to use for the audience by click on the button AND or OR on the left side of the modale.

  5. To remove a condition, click on the X button on its right

  6. Save your audience by clicking on the Save button in the bottom right corner of the screen


Understanding dates

Modifying an existing audience

To modify an existing audience:

  1. click on the button on the right of the audience

  2. then on Edit

  3. make your modifications then click on the Save button in the bottom right corner of the screen

Duplicating an existing audience

To duplicate an existing audience:

  1. click on the button on the right of the audience

  2. then on Duplicate

  3. then Edit the duplicated audience and adjust the auto-generated ID

  4. and Save your modifications

Deleting an audience

To delete an existing audience:

  1. click on the button on the right of the audience

  2. then on Delete

  3. Confirm your choice by ticking the check box and clicking on the Confirm button


Audiences cannot be deleted if they are associated with a running A/B test

You need to stop all the A/B tests associated with the audience before deleting it.


Audience deletion cannot be undone

In each placement in which the audience was used to display a particular screen, the association {placement, audience, screen} will simply be removed.

Leveraging Audiences

More details on how to leverage Audiences to display different Screens and how to find them in Purchasely Analytics

What’s Next

Learn more about Built-in User Attributes and Customer User Attributes